The podcast updates

I have started with the new podcast and kinda wanted to give an idea of the direction I am taking. If you have not done so already, you should listen to it. It is, of course, a work in progress and I am still learning what to do and not to do with the mixing software. I also hate the sound of my recorded voice, so it is a bit of a challenge. This week, we are going to report on a scientific study of why folks who are against GMOs and Vaccines are less likely to understand or believe scientific data. We are also going to speak to the truth of GMOs and why they aren’t as evil as you might think. We will also a have our wait, what? A segment with our usual out their medical finds, and some scary patient stories that make a point as to why you are glad you are, “healthy”.

In two weeks, I am going to be talking, via Skype, with 3 women who will be talking about everything you wanted or didn’t want to know about the female plumbing. Trust me, while I know women’s health, the plumbing is really tough. These brave souls will not only deal with me trying to use, new to me technology, and they will be baring their souls about birth control and how it is not as easy to get as you think. They will talk about the medieval torture that is the pelvic exam, and they will talk about their menstrual cycle (which is not a form of 10 speed).

Upcoming is someone with an opinion about damn near everything, and we are going to talk HIPPA and the Affordable Care Act. I am going to talk to someone who is dependent on opiates for daily function and how they cope.

If you want to talk to us about anything, you can let us know through the Facebook page, and we will see what we can do about that.

Thanks for reading and listening. Tell your friends and your enemies.