So to top everything off, Facebook did not like my post about the measles because it “might offend people” and my picture of the rash could be inappropriate. This is part of the stupidity that is providing information to society.
While I do scan through the news looking for articles with interesting implications, I tend to avoid watching news programs in general because some of the talking heads seem to be complete idiots. This week, Fox News and its former staff have nailed it with their utter stupidity.
We have Pete Hegseth, who hasn’t washed his hands in “10 years” if ever because “germs aren’t real.” Pete, it would seem, has a BA from Princeton and a master’s in Public Policy from Harvard. He is a Major in the Army National Guard and a combat veteran. Also, for all that education, he must not have attended a science class since both of his degrees are in liberal arts, and he must have missed the courses on the role of public health in public policy. He must have had a lobotomy when he grabbed the microphone and started his stint on camera. Look Pete (I ain’t calling you Major because I have met new Privates with more horse sense that you have), I appreciate humor. I enjoy dark humor, trust me, I have two combat tours myself. I also know that you were probably not an ass in the grass type of officer who was able to shower and stay clean. So, let me hip your master’s degree holding empty melon to some facts here, ready?
Handwashing is the cornerstone of disease prevention (PERIOD). Yeah, there are lots of other things, but frequent and thorough handwashing eliminates bacteria that you come in contact with by touching things (Like his genitals…). Like the microphone that ten different Teamsters have touched (although I think they know how to wash their hands). The desk you sit at when you tell America you don’t wash your hands. When the female co-host sneezes on you. The MTA in general. Or when you are in the bathroom (Seriously dude, the thought that you would not wash your hands after you do your business is gross and trust me, I know gross). Per the CDC:
Hand washing can help prevent illness. It involves five simple and effective steps (Wet, Lather, Scrub, Rinse, Dry) you can take to reduce the spread of diarrheal and respiratory illness so you can stay healthy. Regular handwashing, particularly before and after certain activities, is one of the best ways to remove germs, avoid getting sick and prevent the spread of germs to others. It’s quick, it’s simple, and it can keep us all from getting sick. Handwashing is a win for everyone, except the germs.
They even have a video you can find that here. I sincerely hope you were trying to prove that you aren’t a comedian in this case. People miss the facts that when you are in the public eye, you are “looked up” to and people hear your message. While I don’t have your fame, I am going to say that the CDC gives this guidance on handwashing:
You can help yourself, and others stay healthy by washing your hands often, especially during these critical times when you are likely to get and spread germs: Before, during, and after preparing food, Before eating food, Before and after caring for someone who is sick, Before and after treating a cut or wound, After blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing, After using the toilet, After changing diapers or cleaning, up a child who has used the bathroom, After touching an animal, animal feed, or animal waste, After touching garbage (so interpret that how you will)
And since I am much more about providing info, here are the steps to hand washing:
Follow these five steps every time.
Wet your hands with clean, running water (warm or cold), turn off the tap, and apply soap.
Lather your hands by rubbing them together with the soap. Lather the backs of your hands, between your fingers, and under your nails.
Scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds. Need a timer? Hum the “Happy Birthday” song from beginning to end twice.
Rinse your hands well under clean, running water.
Dry your hands using a clean towel or air dry them.
All of this comes from the CDC who has spent a lot of effort to show Pete he is just plain assed, WRONG.
So just when you think it can’t be worse… Along comes Darla Shine to say Leeeeroy Jenkins (hold my beer was so last week). Darla and her pointy little head went on a pro-measles, anti-vax twitter rant this week with the hashtag bring back our #childhooddiseases. Since I have written a ton on why you don’t want the damn measles, I am not going to roll down this road again. Shine and her husband, Bill Shine, also worked for this week’s bastion of knowledge, Fox News. Ms. Shine was a Fox Producer before her husband went to work at the White House as a Communications Director. She probably talked germ theory of disease with Pete, thus the rampant stupidity. In her rant, she parroted all the anti-vax untruths as well as:
“I had the #Measles #Mumps #ChickenPox as a child, and so did every kid I knew,” she wrote. “Sadly my kids had #MMR so they will never have the lifelong natural immunity I have. Come breathe on me!”
Well, the vaccination does that, for which she is unsurprisingly incorrect. You get that immunity without the chance of developing pneumonia or encephalitis that can kill you quickly. Ms. Shine has a degree in, we are not sure (I think it’s haggary… Maybe troll theory…). Her Blog on being a stay at home housewife claims she went to college and grad school, but lord knows where. She is well known for trying to throw herself into controversy, so who knows.
If you take your sanitation advice from Pete Hegseth, and your hands keep smelling like your butt when you get sick (and you will), be sure to tell your provider what Pete’s advice was. We all need a good laugh while we treat you for sepsis.
At this point, if you don’t want a vaccine…tough get a vaccine.
Off to the bats, at least they know how to wash their “hands”.