Your boss has no business in your sex life…

I live as complex a life as the next person, and honestly, I have my sexual quirks as to each of you. It embarrasses many of us as we are generally “private” people. We don’t share our intimate selves with others. Honestly, think about how embarrassed you were when someone caught you masturbating?

Is there anything wrong with masturbating? No, in fact, most studies will tell you that there are some health benefits to keeping things moving, especially in men. The prostate benefits from ejaculation, and it lowers the risk of infection as well as prostate cancer. So fap away, boys, not like you really need an excuse. Yet, we shame people to the absolute level of pro harshness if we find out they wank regularly, especially when we are younger. I often wondered why, and then my head hurt. This caused me to stop wondering so much. I also realized it violates that social norm of keeping bodily functions to one’s self. Don’t believe me? Next time you have a bowel movement, invite a random person in to look at it and show it off proudly as you would a priceless painting.

Sounds absurd? Well, how about your boss, you know the guy with the receding hairline, black horn-rim glasses that were popular in the ’50s. Who has breath that could knock a buzzard off a shit wagon, and sweat stains on his dress shirt deciding whether you should be able to have birth control? Yeah, I went there, but that is precisely what the Trump administration is doing. Pandering to special interests and is asking the supreme court to rule expanding the decision in the Hobby Lobby case a few years ago. From the NYT.

The Trump administration took the side of the religious employers, saying that requiring contraception coverage can impose a “substantial burden” on the exercise of religion. The regulations it has promulgated made good on a campaign pledge by President Trump, who has said that employers should not be “bullied by the federal government because of their religious beliefs.”
The new regulations also included an exception for employers “with sincerely held moral convictions opposed to coverage of some or all contraceptive or sterilization methods.”

What the actual fuck kids? So, because of my bad breath, the receding hairline boss believes in some magical being; I can have my health care limited? What if he decides that God hates insulin? Does that mean that I am stuck fronting insulin costs out of pocket because of his magical beliefs?


Ridiculous. Back to privacy, one maintains in one’s life. I understand that most everyone who has health insurance in this country have it provided by their employer. Behind delivering the coverage and paying part of the premium, the rest is up to the insurance carrier, not your boss or the company’s owner. I still contend that I would not want to share those intimacies with my boss.

It was challenging to share the reasons for my PTSD too long after I started with the VA. While I wasn’t asked directly, It became essential to “spill” my guts about my sexual assault and other aspects of my personal life with a boss that I found repulsive. Why are we forced into these situations? Why is it so freaking important that these people try to control our lives or know about our lives away from work?
There is no good reason for the request to the supreme court other than to pander to those who do believe in a man’s interpretation of some magic sky being.

Many religious groups around the nation challenged the accommodation, saying that objecting and providing the required information would make them complicit in conduct that violated their faith. An eight-member court considered that objection in 2016 in Zubik v. Burwell but was unable to reach a definitive ruling and instead returned the case to the lower courts, instructing them to consider whether a compromise could be reached.

The problem is, there is no compromise because these kinds of situations become a “holy” battle against evil. No, they really do, they view this is saving the world, being a champion of something, and “saving” you from your sins.

Birth control is essential, not just to interrupt the menstrual cycle and prevent conception. Birth control is also used for hormonal regulation in women who may not have a regular period. What does old sweat-stained dress shirt know about that?

It makes no sense. While we want to do this on the cheap, most times, contraception requires a more expensive, better-researched method.

Look, we all know this has nothing to do with cost. It has everything to do with religious groups trying to force their point of view on everyone and for folks so inclined to regulate women’s decisions. It is wrong. I am not sure why we don’t respect women and why we force them into childbearing or endanger their health. This move by the administration is pandering to religion and has no place in a decent society.

Remember to the kind of person your mom and your dog hope you are.