
On the podcast yesterday, which, if you don’t listen to you should. Chris and I talked about how things change over time. One of those things is smoking.

If you are old enough to remember, everyone in movies and on TV from the 50s to the 70s was smoking. Hell, tobacco companies sponsored TV shows and movies. Look at a movie now. Nope, no smoking, and if there is, it is automatically rated PG-13. It is also minimal.

So what changed? It started with research on the effects of smoking on the body. The discovery that it was a principal cause of lung cancer. The surgeon general made a famous warning required from then on all tobacco product packaging.

SURGEON GENERAL’S WARNING: Smoking Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, Emphysema, and May Complicate Pregnancy.

SURGEON GENERAL’S WARNING: Quitting Smoking Now Greatly Reduces Serious Risks to Your Health.

Legislation passed quickly to prevent advertising or sponsorship by tobacco companies, and almost overnight smoking on TV and in Movies was gone. Over time as smoking left mainstream society, smoking bans occurred on airlines, in businesses, and in most areas where the masses congregate. Hell, they even passed laws preventing it in bars. Smoking and, more recently, vaping are rarely allowed in public.

In the last couple of weeks, protests have sprung up talking about quarantines “treading” on people’s rights. We allowed it with smoking, which is also dangerous, but all of a sudden, we don’t like the lifestyle adjustments required to avoid getting sick. Yeah, people still smoke, and it is not illegal, but it is certainly not allowed in public, and the rule is unchallenged. What is so intrusive about being required to wear a mask and keep a distance?

One fucking word that permeates the American way of life, Entitlement.

You’re infringing on my liberties, they will say. I say bullshit.

On September 14, 2001, just days after the September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, as a society, we immediately agreed to restrictions on personal liberties that remain in effect today. No one argued.

No one complained about infringing on liberties, so why the bullshit with the masks?

Simple because there are a bunch of whiny, entitled, “I do what I want” (think Cartman’s voice there).

I get it; this shutdown has been horrible for business and individuals alike as it has sapped what little money folks have to get by. Disposable spending is gone, and even essential spending is in danger. I GET IT. We are worried about our livelihood. We also have elected officials that are in place to protect the American people. Of course, their attitude to this has been to protect their own business interests and those of their “sponsors.” To cover this, they have become charlatans that have made it seem as though there are evil forces (democrats or scientists) that are infringing on their liberties. Donnie has even gone so far as to fire scientists, that make his actions and attitudes towards the virus look stupid (which they are, says this frontline medical provider). Fucking optics. People die; people get sick, and is their compassion from our elected officials? Nope. Hell, lately, I had to unfollow an NP friend of mine who has been promoting these optics and anti-science rhetoric in his Facebook feed.

Guys, this may not seem “as bad” as influenza on the level you see. It is not as pervasive on the level that you see. Very few get to see the ravishing of this pandemic other than the frontline providers that are dealing with it. It is not a democratic conspiracy or some desire to rob you of your liberties. Honestly, my rights have been gone since September 14, 2001. So at this point, I could give a fuck about your feelings on the safety measures to help defeat this pandemic.

Honestly, this kind of behavior will fuck up a wet dream like dreaming of Margret Thatcher. Stop acting like the whiney bitches that many of you have become because you can’t “have it your way.” This ain’t Burger King. Stop acting like your inconvenience is more important than mine or anyone else’s health (including yours). In the end, I am the one that will have to exam and treat you when you end up sick. So as is familiar with your ilk, “Fuck your feelings.” This isn’t some effort to topple Donnie or republicans or politically motivated. What you are falling victim to here is those persons trying to improve the optics of their handling. Be fucking smarter or find someone with Covid and swap spit with them if you think its a hoax.

Ok, enough bitching, Be the kind of person your dog and your mom hope you are. Keep your distance and wear your damn mask.