You fuckers aren’t doing it, plain and simple. Oh, you think you are, but the reality here is you are faking your way in the self-care process. So, put down the snack cakes, the ice cream, and get off your ass.
Oh, I don’t care if you run a marathon or even walk farther than the fridge, it’s time to talk about all the fucking conspiracy theory videos that you are watching too, “inform yourself” of what is going through the “right’s” minds at the moment. Read carefully, kids, I don’t give a fuck. The pandemic response in this country is inadequate, we don’t need to give a fuck about anything until this is over. Which experts are already indicating that it could be two years?
Listen to experts like Tony Fauci, not a fucking Britney down the street who makes You-Tube videos and listens to the likes of Jenny McCarthy, Donnie, Vlad Putin. Oh yeah, this is a significant disinformation campaign, and we are stuck watching it as Donnie doesn’t even try to cover up his wrongdoing. Many of us are doing it while we attempt to continue preventative measures.
Time to get up and do something to help you engage your brain, and it isn’t with You-Tube. I get it, I fell in the trap (a bit) and spent days going down rabbit holes. Do you know what I got? Crazy. Yep, the kind of crazy that makes you lose track of time, where you put something, and even your priorities.
Take some real self-care.
Read a book, a real book that was written by a real author that has a plotline, a storyline, or is super informative. Honestly, I have been reading Hillary and Chelsey Clintons’ book on powerful women. It gives us a lot more to think than the just virus talk. It provides us with a history and perspective; it fucking challenges our brain.
Still too afraid of Hillary and her magical control of the universe? In What Happened, she jokes about this and the fact that the American Public had become so brainwashed, they couldn’t see through the lies. Sad as I think she would have engaged the country and perhaps have developed a plan to deal with COVID. It seems that countries with women as the head of state are managing the virus quite well.
Not a reader? Well, its time to become one. The concept of engaging your brain with reading and thought is essential to keeping your mental faculties engaged. If you really can’t read, do a puzzle as something that requires your thought or focus.
Walk farther than the fridge. Find a space where you can walk without a mask and the stimulus of others.
Take the doggos out and just wander.
They will appreciate it and the fact that the walk will make your ass less psychotic. There is a good chance that your diet will start to regulate itself, and you will start feeling better—a more robust immune system and, ultimately, a clear head and a sense of well-being.
Why does this pertain to medicine? Well, I think you know that when your brain is not engaged, it becomes more difficult to make rational, sound, and healthy decisions. You listen to pundits or internet idiots and think, “ok, that makes sense.” Yeah, no, it doesn’t; you are just too softened to get it. You need your faculties because soon you are going to have to make decisions of self-protection on your own as many elements of government want to restart, mainly because businesses are getting killed. They often have more voice than you or I do with politicians.
You are going to have to enforce social distancing. You are going to have to wear a mask and decide if others are not wearing a mask; do you want to be in that situation? You are going to have to isolate yourself as, in the end, these will not be something that the government will mandate. Now, if you live in California, Oregon, Washington, New York, and the New England states, you will still have the government mandating these things. Everywhere else has let their mush brains allow them to go back to work and protest being “told what to do.”
Take care of yourself. It is important with all this isolation that you do things that engage you mentally and physically to keep yourself well. The bottom line is to do something and put down the You-Tube. Lastly, look at the shit you are watching and verify it, please?
We will get through this.
Some of us might even avoid an infection.
Be the kind of person your dog and your mom hope you are.
As a bonus, here is a link to the CDC guidelines for restarting the country: