1. I do not want grandma, mother, auntie to die
2. Everyone needs to be vaccinated, and it will take time
3. My feeling that priority should be a. Frontline healthcare workers from the top to the bottom of the hospital. Yeah, housekeeping does handle the infectious waste. Also, first responders, EMS, Fire, PD because yes, we are all ultimately stuck. There is nowhere for us to go in this. b. Persons in institutionalized settings. These are state hospitals, nursing homes, prisons, jails…and this includes staff. c. Workers in settings that do not have the option of remote work. These are folks like clerks, retail, food service, and especially Wolf. d) kinda everyone else.
4. Sorry teachers, you should be remote, and I know you are not, so yes, this bumps you to b as well as your students forced to go to school, but my point earlier was that IT IS LAME BULLSHIT THAT YOU ARE NOT teaching remotely. I know there is pressure because society expects you to babysit their crotch fruit.
5. Yes, folks over 75 is a plus, as are the elderly…see item 1. However, it is very disheartening to some of us who are in constant danger, watching Granny Smith (who is homebound) getting the “first vaccine.” While more and more of my co-workers are getting sick because fucktard Karen has to go to Applefuckingbees. It’s real; you can stay the fuck home and wear a mask when you need to be out.
6. I got called out a bit on the podcast today when I suggested that Pres/Vice/Congress should not be at the front of the line. Funny for all the calls of a “fake virus,” they are practically shoving healthcare workers and little old ladies out of the way. My rationale is that these people do not need to be standing in front of or in crowds. The need to do this with national matters should have passed in this age of technology. Please keep them safe and let them use the tech to be visible when needed and hold meetings. We should not hear that members of any branch are positive, etc. Like them or not, they are a national asset. We don’t leave the gold at Ft Know laying on the lawn; why are senior government officials insistent on public business with crowds. These restrictions also keep sensible politicians away from maskholes in government that won’t wear a mask.
7. Shut your damn cakehole about the vaccine. All this crazy rumor shit and “the vaccine will do this” is just BS, and honestly, they should have stomped on the whole anti-vax movement a long time ago. If you feel that firmly against the vaccine, don’t get it but keep your cakehole shut. Also, still, stay home and wear a mask.
6. The vaccine does not mean it’s over. Still wear a mask. The pandemic could continue for 2-5 years, although it should get to be less and less severe barring mutations. Hopefully, that time frame will get us over the hump, and we will have robust treatments more available to patients by that time.
There did that help everyone’s feelings about what I said?
Still, try and be the kind of person your dog and your mom hope you are.