In the grip of incompetence…

I am not sure if it is utter incompetence or just the usual con that we have coming out of the White House. Look I have real issues when a politician who fakes his physicals is trying to give medical advice to an entire country. This response by the administration is probably worse than any …

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Teenage boy goes blind…

Renée Gordon (FDA), Victovoi - Public Domain   From existing on pringles, white bread, and fries, as well as other things, none of them too nutritious (if you though anything else you are filthy). From a local outlet KSL Scientists from the University of Bristol examined the case of a young patient whose extremely picky eating …

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Thy snot runneth over…

So, my favorite 1am phone call for a patient with a sore throat, cough, of course nasal discharge which goes by the technical term, snot. The patient is miserable as I roll into the exam room, feeling way more no thrilled about this than I hope I was showing.  Nice enough gentleman who was not …

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