Many bills becoming laws with each one more restrictive than the previous; sort of like a legislative, "hold my beer." I think it's time to take away the beer before the rest of us switch to whiskey or worse. The hope here is apparent; to end the 1975 decision of Roe v. Wade, thus ending …
A roundup…
Lots of exciting things going on here at the castle with a lot of stuff tearing me away from the keyboard. This busyness is one of several reasons there has not been very much written material in the past couple of weeks. As with any new blog, we all go through growing pains some happen …
Evidence, shmevidence….
The most deadly words said, "Well, that isn't the way I learned it." Followed usually by, "that's not what I believe, so how can it be true?" Evidence, why the hell don't we read it and incorporate it into our practice or why do we out of hand dismiss it? Do we really dress …