Not so heavy…

We have been heavy here at the castle, and that is not just my weight. We have had a rough go for a few days with some heavy topics. While I will not stop with the heavy stuff, but I think we need a few days of palette cleansing to get us all back to …

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So, you think abortion is bad…

Abortion is a sub-optimal solution to a problem in all situations. Yeah, I said it, but not for the reasons that some of you started to cheer. The common reason is the unwanted pregnancy. Instead of taking a few basic steps and primary care to provide contraceptives and women’s health, we choose a surgical procedure …

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Finally, the Error in Thinking is Spotted…

Laurie Halse Anderson published the Time Magazine article, which is probably one of the best looks at sexual assault. Laurie Halse Anderson is the bestselling author of several children's and young adult books, including Speak and Chains. In the beginning, she thought she knew rape because of personal experience at 13, but she has spent …

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