I wouldn’t recommend it. Honestly, I don’t think anyone would. Everyone knows what PTSD is. It inundates the news, and honestly, not only does it get a little heavy on how overused it is, but how many people claim to have PTSD. It does not say that PTSD in a person does not exist, …
It did more harm than you think…
When I wrote a piece earlier this week, Igor cautioned me not to write angry. When I wrote the piece yesterday about bullying, I tried to write it with cold, clinical calculation to make a point. Then I started to think about it and realized I never spoke to the damage in a personal sense …
One of those nights…
As I walked in tonight, I talked to the charge nurse, as usual, to see what the flow of the unit had been like until I got there. She told me that we were full, which hasn’t been uncommon as of late. With our unit, a good number of homeless guys present to the ER …
Don’t fear the reaper…
Sorry no cowbell here, Igor hates when I play that thing anyway (Master has the rhythm of Helen Keller…). It’s as bad as saying Bleucher. Missing that whole vampire theme, I know. Speaking of death and dying, it is time to have an honest conversation with yourself, what are your plans if you stop breathing …