There is nothing worse than a bully, except dealing with one. Yet that is what a good number of professional nurses must put up daily to the point where nurses have committed suicide. Rhian Collins, who worked a hospital in Wales, hanged herself in her home in March of last year. The investigation concluded that …
First do no harm…
It was a long time ago, the same galaxy. It was shortly after September 11th, and I was working on the dialysis unit in Butte, Montana. Yeah, the name looks like butt, insert Beavis and Butthead laugh here. Everyone was in a dark-assed mood. Lower Manhattan was still in chaos, and we were still coming …
Gillette looked sharp this week by discussing toxic masculinity in an advertisement. Before I hear one comment about this not being a public health issue or something that we should be dealing with, I am going to flat out tell you that it is. Toxic masculinity can easily translate into sexual and domestic violence. This …
Bar the Door the legislature is in Session
One of the crazier parts about doing a blog is choice of material. There are so many things in the news daily, but quite often, it’s just too much to write about everything. Although, we certainly try to do that. Many little things this week have reared their ugly heads, but none so ugly as …