Living with a Daily Monster

Life with a chronic illness is both exhausting and terrifying. I never know if my counts will suddenly drop and I’ll progress to AIDs or if I’ll catch a preventable disease since Karen left her devil spawn unvaccinated because of Jebus or that McCarthy hoochie and the band of idiots about Autism. It's a world …

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Just say no

Or why everyone relapses   As always, a patient presents to the ER with a dependence on prescription drugs. In the workup of the patient, I found the usual pattern with opiate prescribing. Use over time creates tolerance and starts an increased need for medication. In the current prescribing climate, we want the person to …

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The most wonderful time of the year?

From the drafty hospital home to my drafty castle and face first into my coffin…Oy the crick in my neck. Holidays are tough in the hospital. If there is a time that anyone wants to be there less, I can’t think of it. Last night, I was called to evaluate a depressed/suicidal person. All the …

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Your kids are already fucking, stop blaming a vaccine. (this uses profanity for a point)   Look, nothing gets under my skin more than the excuses people use to not vaccinate themselves or their children. We have entire movements in this country that do nothing more than scream, “It’s about the children.” Well, Nursie poo …

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