Or the scariest of medical diagnoses I have a small office near the nursing unit I serve in the hospital. It’s a nice office with a couch, and the computer is usually quiet. Last night, for whatever reason, the steam pipes kept banging as steam surged in those old pipes; …
Evidence of a cure?
Why aren’t we there yet? The tinfoil hat crowd will say that big pharma could cure it, but it is better to keep providing treatments for high cash flow, or that the government knows but hides the cure because the disease is prevalent among gays and minority groups…Yada, Yada, yada. While there is some …
I‘ve always done it that way…
Why don’t you support evidenced-based care? I’m sitting in my drafty castle, cruising through medical and nursing journals, I realized one thing, why are all these articles so damn boring (Igor asks the same thing when he’s reading Literary Essays…). Lots of folks with diverse educational background love to continue learning even after they receive …
Is it safe to pee?
Or, “How long is weed in my urine”? A timely topic for the season, since a good number of folks, rely on substances to get through the holiday season. In seriousness, if you are having trouble with substance use, get help. If nothing else, email me, and I will help you find resources in …