Team players…

Yes, I have bagged on doctors a little harsh lately. I think it’s just an old problem of my being talked down to by someone who I have no clue what their actual ability is. Doctors do play an essential role in healthcare; I know shocking right? So do nurse practitioners and physician’s assistants. We …

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Zen and the art of nursing maintenance…

Don’t worry we are not going to do motorcycle maintenance we are, however, going to chat about nursing Zen. The original book was written by Robert Pirsig in 1974 about a trip he took with his son Chris who was 12 in 1968 on a Motorcycle.  Robert died in 2017, and Chris died in 1979.  …

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Yesterday, a solution…

So, since I was so rough on my fellow nurses and griped about it for two pages, here are some things that need to happen to stop this internal problem. First, would you want to be treated how you are treating that person?  Before you start the line, “well I was treated this way,” answer …

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