I have a new hero… Here is a reprinted letter, in its entirety, from the Salt Lake Tribune, and it is in a letter from this teenager. I have taken the complete text because honestly, I think even if you are LGBT or a supporter it is important to read this from the mouth of …
Tag: politics
I told you…
A measles outbreak is sweeping through Portland, a hotspot for the anti-vaccination movement, and neighboring Clark County in Washington state. Clark County Public Health has declared a public health emergency, reporting at least 23 confirmed cases and seven suspected cases of measles in the area since the new year. At least 20 of these people …
Bar the Door the legislature is in Session
One of the crazier parts about doing a blog is choice of material. There are so many things in the news daily, but quite often, it’s just too much to write about everything. Although, we certainly try to do that. Many little things this week have reared their ugly heads, but none so ugly as …
Or why I hate feces Healthcare is political as hell. Think Mean Girl Wednesday, and unless you’re in pink, you’re out of luck and don’t have a place to sit at lunch. Since it’s a popularity contest, a politician plays to groups of people to try and influence their vote. Think Regina George trying …