What women need…

We don’t care.  I do, but collectively society could give a rat’s ass what women need. As a society, we are anti-women (and yes, that includes a lot of women). Why? I have nary a clue.  I have watched women in legislatures and congress gleeful allow bills to pass that try to tell them how to manage themselves, force them to have babies, and even recently allowing a state health department to track their periods.  I think enough is enough.  Do you know what the most significant sign we are against women? The fact that we refuse to carry feminine hygiene products in women’s/gender-neutral bathrooms.

Yeah, this seems like, oh, they should buy that product themselves, those products cost money.  Well, Mr. use half a roll of toilet paper to wipe your ass (and you probably need to clean the bullshit off your lips too) your cost to wipe your ass is just as costly (also light a damn match next time).

We have no justification for not affording women some level of human decency since we are now forcing them (and tracking them in Missouri) to have their period.

Why am I as a man so militant? Because I want to be, and I am also a reasonable human being that likes the fact that people leave me alone about my body, so why shouldn’t everyone be afforded that courtesy?

I was reading an article in HuffPo that was discussing the real problems that women, especially young women, and transgender women, in poverty to deal with their period.

Diva International, a Canadian feminine hygiene company, approached Snow with the idea of making a documentary about the menstrual movement in 2018. Production took the Toronto-based filmmaker to Africa, where she interviewed Kenyan girls who skip school while on their period because they can’t afford menstrual hygiene products. In the United States, she spoke with women who said they were barred from obtaining tampons and pads while they were incarcerated.

What the actual fuck? Is it that fucking tough to carry those products?  I’ll help you here, no.

Thus far, critical reception to “Pandora’s Box,” which had its world premiere at Canada’s Whistler Film Festival last month, has been positive. Snow, however, would like audiences to be both “infuriated and inspired” by the film.

“This isn’t just something happening in developing countries,” she said. “We have a culture of silence around it [that’s] woven into the very fabric of our society. We made the film to get people talking!”

We need to get people more than talking, and this kind of crap needs to stop. Like I said above, we provide rolls of toilet paper for Chad and his ass wiping privilege I would think that not having massive amounts of blood would be just as hygienic.  Someone, please explain this shit to me.

Sanitary product availability is not isolated and this is not luxury. So why am I so militant? Well, simple kids, I am not a jerk. I believe that everyone should be able to function and be comfortable. The notion that we should feel any other way is just plain wrong.

We have become so entitled that if you don’t benefit from this, you feel like someone else doesn’t need it.  The old, “I’ve got mine, and as for you, too bad.” I shrug my shoulders and wish people were not such entitled assholes, but alas, we are.

How do we fix this? Simple, we start by making Chad bring his toilet paper to wipe his fat ass. Well, that’s how we treat this problem. No, we begin providing hygiene products to women and Transgender folk in a discreet but plentiful manner. We do it without any grandstanding, without any self-adulation, and in bountiful quantity and we chalk it up to the cost of business and maintaining a quality workforce. Wow, what a simple, easy solution.  We will never do this because there is too much god dammed entitlement for male and even female management to force this through. Do better folks.

Be the kind of person your mom and your dog hope you are.