You know this dude…



We all know this dude. He is the guy in your social media friends list feed that posts the most bizarre shit. And, I do mean shit, that makes no freaking sense. He’s the one that is maybe more conservative, more liberal, or just more bat crap crazy in general. I have this guy. I honestly don’t know why I keep him. He posts the most banal, stupid shit; it is almost like a train wreck. You know you the kind of thing where you are just mesmerized with the horror.

One week he is posting supportive stuff about minorities, and today he posts about being “kind to Rush Limbaugh.” Which is it, dude? Because you sound like a bouillabaisse of weirdness. Again, why don’t I kick you out of my feed? I seriously don’t know.

His latest one is a piece on a story out of Connecticut where the families of three female high school students filed a federal lawsuit to block transgender athletes in Connecticut from participating in girls’ sports. Predictably it is brought by lawyers for the Alliance Defending Freedom, a religious non-profit that has made a considerable name for itself by its anti-gay stance and rhetoric. They love these cases and are most famous for the Oregon couple that refused to bake a wedding cake and proceeded to harass the couple that wanted to buy the cake.  You know because they are lesbians.  Honey the only mistake you made was to go to a straight baker, you know they have no damn style. The ADF and the bakers, unfortunately, won that suit. The win was not on the grounds of the cake. It was a win that did not punish the bakers for the doxing and harassment of the couple. It was bizarre, then again its Oregon.

Anyhow, back to our young athletes.

Before I move on too much, this piece has a very heavy slant. The article comes from and is here. KUTV is owned by Sinclair Broadcasting, which has made no bones about being conservative and has forced their stations to make statements against minorities as well as liberal philosophies. Anyhow…

The lawsuit was filed against the Connecticut Association of Schools-Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference and the boards of education in Bloomfield, Cromwell, Glastonbury, Canton and Danbury.

“Forcing girls to be spectators in their own sports is completely at odds with Title IX, a federal law designed to create equal opportunities for women in education and athletics,” attorney Christiana Holcomb said. “Connecticut’s policy violates that law and reverses nearly 50 years of advances for women.” (Like these fucks really care about women)

This statement is what begins and ends in this article for me. Ok, I understand a few possibilities here, but I think this is far more than male athletes that “decide” to become females to win some races. FAR MORE.

There is a major mistake here thinking that somehow these transitioning young women have an advantage.  Honestly the ADF and their ilk spend a great deal of time obsessed with the penis (its shocking even to me and I like penis too). The penis controls no hormones.  The testes assist with testosterone production, but they are not the only source of hormones.  As the transition begins and continues, the amount of estrogen given increases and the male characteristics are shed.  Eventually (or maybe not) the transitioning person elects for an orchiectomy (removal of testes) or maybe not.  Is it important? No.  The article is written from that sneaky slant that almost makes you feel sorry for the women bringing the suit.  Watch for those kinds of persuasion in the article, they are there to make you believe a POV.

Still, this is how many in the general public view the transition in the eyes of the ill-informed. I should say, they refuse to other information for reasons that I can only chalk up to their ignorance and stupidity. Look, be conservative or liberal, but spend a little time discovering the truth on your own, not have it spoon-fed to you by outlets that are so slanted, I can barely give you a paragraph.

Buried in the article it states that the young women were in the process of transition, but it was “unclear as they would not disclose that.” Yeah, because no matter what I swear people want an excuse to peek at these young girl’s genitals. The article also misgendered the young women on one occasion, which is horse shit, I am not a fan of Caitlyn Jenner, but I do not misgender her as an insult. Honestly, she is just a bitch, sorry, fans.

Anyhow. A quick lesson in what happens in the transition. At the minimum, this occurs.

The World Professional Association for Transgender Health advises that medical treatment should only occur after a thorough psychosocial assessment has been undertaken by a clinician experienced in the field. Informed consent must be obtained from the patient.2 Standard treatment in adults is based on a gender-affirming hormone. This is testosterone for female to male transition and estrogen, supplemented by an anti-androgen, for male to female transition.

Treatment of transwomen (male to female) produces variable changes including:

  • breast growth
  • softening of the skin
  • reduction and fining of body hair
  • change in body fat distribution
  • reduced muscle mass and strength in the upper body
  • emotional change
  • decline in libido
  • decreased spontaneous erections
  • testicular shrinkage and cessation of spermatogenesis.

As before the transition is more pronounced if an orchiectomy (removal of the testes) occurs and can make profound changes. I have watched a friend transition from male to female, and while he wasn’t a big ole butch 270-pound dude before the transition; it has caused him to become very feminine. The results were quick to me, and honestly, I have to look to see his male past in his current appearance. I shouldn’t even be looking at what I have heard called the dead self. I am not super in tune with the Transgender community, so I am not hip to the lingo. I also find myself confused at times, and if I am confused, our hospital has a couple of super good and super in-tune endocrinologists that have the information I need.

The bottom line here is while these transitioning young women may have been boys at one point, there is a good chance, they are taking estrogen. The estrogen alone, at high levels, will cause a significant change in physique. Honestly, the tone of the article suggests these young ladies are upset that other young ladies are winning races. The hilarity ensues when you see that one of the trans female runners does lose races to the young ladies bringing the lawsuit.

These girls are not racing a super being, forced to race against boys, or any such things. The transitioning young ladies are trying to continue in a sport that they enjoy and should be allowed to continue. Estrogen has significant effects on the body during the transition. The taking of estrogen in high doses should not be dismissed out of hand. Medically and physically, I do not believe the advantage gained by these young women is as significant as the Alliance Defending Freedom would like you to think. But then again I do believe that the ADF is trying to eliminate and control an entire community with their misguided beliefs

Be the kind of person your mom and your dog hope you are.