Florida…err Utah people…

Let us say fucking entitled and fucking stupid. Yeah, I know. I just got a lecture about how swearing makes you sound less professional…blah, blah, blah. You would most likely tell me that entitlement and stupidity are already a national trait, so what gives?

The legislature, in a move they all patted themselves on the back about, voted to lift the mask mandate on April 10, today, if this blog gets posted on time. Since the legislature is already a supermajority, the governor could disagree. We all know he wouldn’t, so this is now law. Ya, know because fuck (sorry unprofessional again) the scientists and people who actually have to deal with these chucklefucks (sorr…fuck it) when they get sick and whine that, “I didn’t realize it was this dangerous,” right about the moment they are in respiratory arrest. In at least an attempt to not look like absolute douchebags (only complete douchebags), they did allow counties to maintain their mandates based on public health recommendations. They also left the mandate in place for state office buildings, state offices, the capital, and public schools.

Well, along come the chucklefuck, entitled, we believe we have the right to say how we raise our kids (and yours) parents with this fucked up assed campaign “See my Smile,” which has peppered the valley the past few days with billboards advertising this special Utah entitlement. Fox 13 Utah, posted this today

“At what point are we allowed, as parents, to make our health decisions for our own children?” said Corrine Johnson, a member of Utah Parents United. “Yes, there are children who will still be at risk, but that risk is minimized by their choice to be able to wear a mask. We feel strongly that parents who want to mask their child for safety have every right to do so, so we ask that right be given to our children.”

So you know what’s best for your child, but you want other children and families forced to deal with your decision process, for what reason? No, I’ll wait; what is the damn reason?

“Under the state Constitution, every child has the right to an education and an equal education under the law,” Johnson said. “We are exploring legal injunctions to support parents in this fight for their rights.”

This is your fucking reason? How about every child should be in a safe environment where they can learn and grow without the threat of catching a disease that has killed over half a million people? Can you answer that, Ms. Johnson? Crickets.

Ms. Johnson is the kind of Karen that I hate the most. My rights to stupidity are more important than your rights. Sure, lady, show us your kid’s smile; let us see if you are smiling as they are placed on a ventilator and die. Let’s see if you are smiling and patting yourself on the back at the funeral, probably in a church where they have decided that they should not practice masking or social distancing because ‘merica, freedom, woo. Will you be smiling Ms. Johnson when you are back at the same church house a few weeks later because the child’s grandmother, caught the ‘vid at the superspreader that was your child’s funeral?

Am I too dramatic? No. well, maybe, we will start seeing improvement thanks to vaccines, which is only a “possibility,” not a for sure thing. MAYBE.

This kind of crap is why this pandemic has hung on way longer than it should. The former guy freely went without a mask, actually caught the ‘vid, and said, “it wasn’t that bad.” Yeah, sure, Donnie, it wasn’t “that bad,” Said the guy who had access to medical care that no one else in this country has access to. The man that spent almost two weeks still needing oxygen support and monitoring. The selfish fucker that made a Secret Service agent drive him around to wave at the crowds of chucklefucks that support him.

We could have been past this, yet because we have no sense of community of any sort, we have to buck mask mandates, social distancing, and general fucking respect for our fellow person because “freedoms.”

Yeah, I am tired of masks too. I have to wear one for 12 hours when I work because, yeah. I have to wear it because Karens like Ms. Johnson and her chucklefuck army of “Utah Parents United” have no sense of living in a community where they don’t always get what they want.

Healthcare workers and every other frontline worker are tired of this entitlement. We are sick to death of watching people dying because of this and having very little control over it. Last year at this time, the healthcare workers were heroes, now our facts and pleas are being ignored because people like Ms. Johnson think that they “know better.”

Thankfully the school districts have weighed in by saying that they have every intention of following the mask mandate. Exceptions have to be certified by a medical provider (under the bill). So has the Utah Dept of Health.

The Utah Department of Health recently released a flier explaining the reasons why masks are still required in Kindergarten through grade 12 classrooms.

Those include:

Children under the age of 16 are not yet authorized to receive a vaccine

Not every adult in a school setting has been vaccinated

Children who contract COVID-19 can suffer long-term health issues

Children can transmit the virus to unvaccinated family members

Teachers worry that a large number of students showing up to class without masks will cause a disruption in education and a health concern.

The teachers have also weighed in.

“We are so close to the end of the hardest year in teaching and the hardest year of being a student in anyone’s memories,” said Sarah Nichols, a special education teacher. “We are in the classroom; we are learning, interacting, connecting, laughing. A piece of cloth in front of someone’s face does not prevent that from happening.”

We already subject teachers to just as harsh conditions as healthcare workers; maybe listen to the people who teach your kids?

The most successful efforts in combating the virus have been the basics of a mask and social distancing. Is it that fucking hard? In the past year, quite honestly, it has been pleasant not to have folks always in my space and decline the invites from folks that I am concerned about being near. It has somewhat empowered me to be more selective about what I do and where I go.

Want another example of how the mask mandate made your life better? Remember the awful flu season this year? No? Exactly. Because we were a little more careful during flu season, more folk got vaccinated and wore masks that knocked that virus down.

So the bottom line after all of this? Yeah, I would love to stop wearing a mask today too. I would love to hang out with friends, travel freely, go back to a kind of normal life, not worry that a trip to the grocery store could kill me, etc. Will I? No. Not until someone who knows what they are talking about tells me it is safe. That day is coming, we are all fatigued, but I would like to see this suppressed so normal life can resume safely, not because politicians, Ms. Johnson, and the chucklefuck army, or any other person “decides” for me.

Other countries, with much more social responsibility, have been able to return to normal safely. Yeah, their measures seemed draconian, but they have returned to normal. We could be that country too, but alas, we won’t. People like Ms. Johnson won’t. As a parting thought, some people use the word “johnson” to refer to their penis (ya know, a dick)—just a thought. Don’t be a Johnson

Be the kind of person that your dog and your mom hope you are.