Co-dependent much?

  Upfront this story discusses sexual assault, be warned.  So nursiepoo has a confession to make. No, I was not the second gunman on the grassy knoll, nor am I some superhero by night in a quest to right the wrongs in the world. You've seen things of late, none of us have time to …

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Everyone doing, ok?…

Yeah, I have been pretty focused on my podcast of late since I type like some dude Johnny who has only one arm and astigmatism. It has also been tough to develop useful content since the lovely virus comes to town. The concept of dealing with the virus has been a significant challenge on the …

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Mindfulness and the moral injury…

Welcome to day one away from the comfy frozenness of the castle in the lovely tropics. To say that this was an easy journey, it is not. PTSD doesn’t pack well and landing in a country where you have a somewhat aversion to the spoken language, because your rapist spoke it, is a tough bug. …

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Where the hell is Nursie poo?

    I took a break, Mark's death took a lot of energy.  I honestly needed to step back from the weirdness of losing a co-worker in such a violent self-inflicted manner. I thought that after I got the story out on the last podcast, I would be good, the catharsis would happen, and I …

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