There is no card deck in my workroom or at the nurses’ station on our unit. Last night I started the shift with a rapid response. If you don’t know what they are, it is when a patient’s condition has rapidly changed and not for good. It is still always strange to be the one …
We have a problem…
In Baton Rouge Louisiana last week a nurse was trying to assist another nurse who was being attacked by a patient on a behavioral health floor. Last year a nurse was attacked and held hostage in Ohio. Nurses and other medical staff are frequently the source of patient violence and sometimes coworker violence. Does anything …
Reader mail…
First off this is the first real piece of reader mail. I was so shocked that after I woke up on the floor, I almost passed out again. I am not one that expects any fan mail or hate mail (although I am not fishing for it either), but the feedback is excellent. So… “I …