I think I can say I am honestly shocked…

As many of you know, I work psych as a medicine person, not a psych person (believe me, you need to differentiate in psych). I have spent a great deal of time hearing that the patient has a somatic disorder in my career. Somatic symptom disorder involves a significant focus on physical symptoms, such as …

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Florida…err Utah people…

Let us say fucking entitled and fucking stupid. Yeah, I know. I just got a lecture about how swearing makes you sound less professional...blah, blah, blah. You would most likely tell me that entitlement and stupidity are already a national trait, so what gives? The legislature, in a move they all patted themselves on the …

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Life drones on….(or Dammit Janet)

Ugh, Awake my foot is freaking hurting.  Not the left one I screwed up last summer, the other one. So much that it broke into my existence, and now it is the forefront of pain.  A cramp, maybe? One of my colleagues suggests issues with electrolytes; perhaps life is subtly telling me to take care …

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Wiping out 25 years of progress…

    From the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation goalkeepers report: On Monday, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation released its annual Goalkeepers report, meant to measure global progress on development goals, including reducing poverty, improving access to clean water, healthcare, vaccines, and more than a dozen other measures. But this year, there was virtually …

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