Reflections of a trip and grief and random thoughts…

Back home from Costa Rica, and wow, what a trip. It was 7 good days of being out of town, and I was happy to leave and come home for the first time. No, I didn't hate it; I had a pretty good time just hanging out in the sun, by the pool (or in …

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When did politics become health news…

It didn't, but if you take a look at Google News, there are a ton of non-healthcare related stories on the healthcare page. I am sick of politics. Part of the advantage of living in this castle was being away from society (for the most part). Then came the internet. Oh yes, the information superhighway, …

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What being triggered really is…

Because I have been!     Anyone who knows me, knows I have PTSD (I know I never shut the fuck up about it).   Being "triggered," as I talked about in a blog almost a year ago, is way different than anxiety before a test or seeing something that frightens you or bothers you …

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