Longshot’s 1st rule of the internet never read the comments. Nurseferatu’s First rule of blogging, do not look at site traffic. Both will leave you disappointed and questioning your existence. When Chris and I spoke on the podcast a couple of weeks ago, we talked very candidly about not paying attention to numbers. He has …
Empathy on empty?
I can be a huge ass, ask anyone who knows me in person. I am sarcastic with a ton of gallows humor to add to who I am. I tend to swear, and often that filter is tough for me to maintain. I am pretty sure that some folks find me a tad rough around …
I can’t believe he faked it…
Oh yeah, he did; and no, it wasn't like your girlfriend does. Sometimes she fakes it for good reasons; this patient has reasons to do so, usually to manipulate the behaviors of others. I am not saying that what I am talking about has the same implications as an orgasm, it was a way that, …